Unlock the Power of Referrals: 7 Tips for Generating More Business from Networking

Do you want to find out how to generate more referrals and generate more business from networking?

Here are 7 tips that should help you...

Networking is a crucial part of any business, and one of the most valuable things you can gain from networking (eventually) are meaningful referrals. Referrals can lead to new business, partnerships, and valuable new connections for your business.

However, simply attending networking events and handing out business cards is not enough to generate referrals. That's far too salesy. You need to build genuine relationships first. Here are some tips on how to generate more referrals from business networking:

  1. Be clear about the type of referrals you are looking for: It's important to have a clear understanding of the type of referrals you are looking for. Are you looking for new clients, partners, or connections in a specific industry? Knowing this will help you target the right people and have more meaningful conversations.
  2. Build genuine relationships: Attend networking events to build genuine relationships, not just hand out business cards. Take the time to get to know people and find common ground. The more you can connect with someone personally, the more likely they will refer you.
  3. Follow up and stay in touch: After meeting someone at a networking event, follow up with them within a week. Send them an email or LinkedIn message thanking them for their time and keep in touch. Staying in touch is key to building relationships and keeping yourself top of mind when they come across someone who needs your services.
  4. Provide value: One of the best ways to generate referrals is by providing value to the people you meet. Share useful information, offer your expertise, or provide a referral of your own. When you provide value, people are more likely to remember you and refer you to others.
  5. Get involved in your industry: Joining industry groups or associations is a great way to expand your network and generate referrals. Participating in events, webinars, and online discussions will help you stay up-to-date on industry trends and connect with other professionals in your field.
  6. Leverage online networking: In addition to in-person networking, make sure to leverage online networking as well. Platforms like LinkedIn are great for connecting with people in your industry, sharing your expertise, and building relationships.
  7. Be a connector: Being a connector is one of the best ways to generate referrals. When you meet someone new, think about how they might be able to benefit from connecting with other people in your network. Introduce them to people who could help them grow their businesses or advance their careers.

What to remember next time you go networking

In summary, to generate more referrals from business networking, it's important to; build genuine relationships (don't sell), provide value, get involved in your industry, leverage online networking, be clear about the type of referrals you are looking for, follow up and stay in touch, and be a connector.

By following these tips, over time, you can increase the chances of getting referrals and growing your business through business networking. 

Download your free guide right here

Are you totally new to networking or, is it something that you've been doing for a while now? Either way, whether you consider yourself a newbie or a veteran, we designed this guide just for you - to help you get better results from business networking.

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